Tips For Landscaping A Small Yard

Not all yards are created equal, but any yard with the proper landscaping can be an asset for your property and a stress-relieving refuge for your family. Sometimes, people fear they will be unable to do anything meaningful with a small or oddly shaped lot and neglect their landscaping design. This is a major mistake. Small yards with great landscaping design can be wonderful despite the size limitation. Small yards can sometimes even be an advantage because you can do more with your money if you are landscaping a smaller space. With all of that in mind, our experts here at Giovine Landscaping are sharing three design ideas to consider when planning the landscaping of a small yard. 

1. Define Activity Zones and Destinations 

In order to make the best use of your small yard, you should make a wish list of desired features and utilize precise site planning to maximize the available space. One way to do this is by organizing your yard into activity zones and destinations. Activity zones and destinations can be designated for different uses like relaxation, recreation, gathering with loved ones, gardening, birdwatching, cooking, or outdoor dining. Zones can then be built around different features, such as a fire pit, spa, deck, garden, hot tub, or grilling patio, by using screening plants, elevation changes, and structures. Our expert team can create points of interest that draw your family and guests into your yard and make the space easy to enjoy.

2. Make Use Of Negative Space And Create Paths 

It is important to maximize space in any yard, and this is especially important for small yards. This means keeping in mind the value of negative space. In small yards, it is essential to maintain  “breathing room” between the main components of your landscaping to avoid making the environment feel crowded, like a room filled to the brim with too much furniture. On the other hand, it is also essential to be able to use as much space as possible in a small yard. Curating the space between activity zones with organic transitions will make the elements of the design flow smoothly. 

The best way to do this, especially in narrow spaces like side yards, is with functional paths and walkways. These paths will link the different elements of your yard while also making otherwise disused regions of your property look beautiful. It is a great idea to use plants, particularly native plantings, at the margins of your property, like alongside paths and on the edges of activity zones. Native plantings are especially ideal because they minimize the amount of maintenance needed and benefit the local ecosystem and wildlife. 

3. Consider A Water Feature

A water feature is a great way to make a small yard feel larger. Babbling water features add sound to your yard and establish a new layer of sensory engagement. In small yards, water features create a sensation of depth and make your yard feel bigger. Studies also show that living near a water feature can improve mental and physical health. Water features can be built vertically along the border of your property to minimize their footprint and create your own personal mini waterfall. Plus, adding a pond to your backyard can benefit local wildlife. 

Our Experts Can Help With Landscaping a Small Yard

With these landscape design ideas, you can take a small yard and turn it into a wonderful space for you and your family to enjoy. If this blog inspired you to invest in revamping your yard, be sure to reach out to Giovine Landscaping. No matter the size of your yard, Giovine Landscaping is here to meet all of your landscape design, consulting, and maintenance needs. Call us today for a free quote!

Helpful Animals You Should Want in Your Yard

Hummingbirds are one of several helpful animals for your yard.

Your yard is more than just a bunch of plants and patio furniture. It is a living ecosystem in which numerous plants and animals interact in order to create a dynamic atmosphere for them all to thrive. As the homeowner, you are the steward of this little ecosystem and you can take actions to make your yard a better place to live for helpful species while warding off destructive pests. Here are four helpful animals you want living in your yard or garden.


Bird song is the pleasant background noise found in most New Jersey backyards, but it is easy to overlook just how helpful our avian friends really are. Birds provide natural pest control by eating numerous insects, including those that can harm your backyard garden or even your family, like aphids and mosquitos. Larger birds, like owls and hawks, can even take a bite out of any rodent problems persisting in your neighborhood. Other birds, like hummingbirds, can benefit your garden by pollinating your plants. 

On top of all of this, birds bring beauty to your yard and can provide entertainment through the fulfilling hobby of bird watching. You can attract more birds to your yard for pest control, pollination, and entertainment purposes by putting out a bird feeder, installing a birdbath, hanging bird houses or nest boxes, and by planting native plants. For questions on your native landscaping options, contact Giovine Landscaping.

Bees and Butterflies 

Hummingbirds are not the only beneficial pollinators you want flying around your yard; bees and butterflies are essential for any successful garden. Bees, in particular, pollinate numerous human food crops that you may have in your backyard garden, including many fruit and vegetable plants. Butterflies are also very important pollinators, essential to helping flowering plants reproduce. In order to attract these two helpful insects, plant a diverse mix of flowering plants (especially native plants) and avoid the use of pesticides. If you want to attract a specific butterfly species, such as the iconic and endangered monarch butterfly, look into what flowers that specific species enjoys. Monarch butterflies, for instance, rely on a plant called milkweed for breeding and gathering nectar.


Bats are highly misunderstood animals that have been unfairly villainized for millennia. They are often associated with vampires, but the bat species present in New Jersey does not drink blood. They do eat the real vampires, though: mosquitoes. One bat can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour. Attracting bats to your backyard reduces the number of harmful mosquitoes and other biting insects in the vicinity. 

Bats are not aggressive and do not pose a serious health risk to humans unless they roost inside your house and their droppings are allowed to accumulate. It should also be noted that less than one percent of bats contract rabies, which is much lower than other mammals. Mosquitoes, on the other hand, regularly spread disease through their bites and kill more people than any other species on the planet. To attract these nocturnal exterminators, consider installing a bat box on your property 15 feet off the ground, near water, and in a location where the box will receive sunlight.


Worms certainly are not the most cuddly critters on the planet, but they are very important for the health of your garden. Worms perform two essential functions in your backyard: they break down organic matter into compost and they aerate the soil. Worms process organic material and turn it into nutrients that your lawn and other backyard plantings rely upon. Worms improve soil by creating tunnel systems that help air and water flow more easily. This process is called aeration. Aeration helps your plants get the nutrients they need to survive and thrive. In order to attract worms to your yard, set up a compost pile and compost your plants regularly.  

Giovine Landscaping Can Help You Attract Helpful Animals to Your Garden

If you are interested in attracting these and other helpful animals to your garden, we can help! The experts at Giovine Landscaping will work closely with you to help you develop every aspect of your garden. Reach out for all your landscaping needs!

Summer Yard Management Tips

Care for your summer yard to keep it healthy!

Summer is a great time to use your backyard for barbecues, sports with the kids, pool parties, and lazy days reading on the patio. However, summer is also an important season for yard maintenance. The experts here at Giovine Landscaping have compiled six summer yard maintenance tips that all homeowners should know. 

Water Your Plants Strategically 

You probably understand that the plants in your yard, like all life on this blue planet of ours, need water to survive, especially during the hot summer months. However, it is not enough to simply water your plants. You have to do so strategically. For instance, you should water your plants during the early morning. By midday, it is too hot; the water will simply evaporate without helping your parched plants. Your lawn  needs about one inch of water a day–from either rain or human intervention–in order to stay green and beautiful. 

Homeowners also need to understand the needs demanded by their specific soil types and plants. For instance, some hearty native plants may require less water than imported species and grass lawns. Plants in containers like hanging baskets also require more water than ground plants–sometimes even two waterings a day, depending on the weather and species. You should also consider installing a drip irrigation system or soaker hose to supply water directly to the roots of your plants to save water. If you have questions about your watering strategy, call the experts at Giovine Landscaping.

Let Your Grass Grow Taller

It is tempting to cut your grass as short as possible to reduce the frequency of mowing sessions, but this is a mistake. In the summer, lawns that are cut too short are susceptible to drought. Cutting your lawn too short can cause yellowish-brown dead patches of grass to appear, blighting the green beauty of your yard. The proper height to keep your grass varies based on local microclimate. According to Rutgers University, the ideal height of lawn grass in New Jersey is within the 2½ to 3 inches range, so your grass should be left at least at this height. Cutting your grass higher reduces the stress placed on your lawn during mowing and reduces the need for fertilizers and pesticides that can be environmentally harmful. Taller grass also shades the soil, cooling vulnerable grassroots, preserving soil moisture, and shading out ugly weeds. It is also a good idea to leave grass clippings on your lawn so they can biodegrade and naturally fertilize your yard. 

Mulch And Fertilize Your Yard

Mulch is essential because it helps keep soil cool during hot summer days. You should cover bare soil with mulch to slow down evaporation, suppress weed growth, and to help maintain the aesthetics of your yard or garden. In areas of bare soil between your plants, add two to three inches of mulch in order to protect your plants. Make sure not to let the mulch actually touch the stems and trunks of your plants, though, because this could cause moisture buildup and rot. 

To create mulch, you can use compost, stones, dried leaves, or even old newspaper. It is also important to use the appropriate fertilizer in your yard during the summer months. During summer the best fertilizer option is a slow-release formulation with a lower nitrogen content, but you also need to keep in mind your specific plants and soil conditions. 

Giovine Landscaping Can Help You Manage Your Summer Yard

Your summer yard can thrive with the proper care. For all of your landscaping needs in every season, reach out to the experts of Giovine Landscaping. Call today for a free quote!

Best Flowers To Grow On The East Coast

Do you love seeing birds and butterflies in your garden? Want to help wildlife and the natural environment? Wondering how to grow beautiful plants that cost less time and money to maintain? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you should consider adding native flowers to your yard! 

What Is A Native Plant?

When a plant is “native” to New Jersey or the United States that means its species evolved and adapted to our local ecosystem and environment. Native species evolved over millions of years to the specific weather conditions of our area.

Many common garden plants are “aliens” imported from Asia and Europe. These foreign plants may look pretty but they are often useless and sometimes require more watering and fertilizer than native species. Sometimes these foreign plants spread into the wild and outcompete native plants. Unfortunately, this can harm wildlife and upset the ecological balance; these plants are called “invasive species.”  

Luckily, you can reduce the spread of invasive species by talking to one of our experts at Giovine Landscaping. They will help you design your backyard landscape while incorporating native New Jersey species. By growing native species, you increase the lifespan of your plants, while helping other plants grow naturally around them. Here are the best flowers to grow in New Jersey! 

Amazing Plants For Your Garden

  • Butterfly Weed: This plant gets its name from the fact that butterflies love it! This flower is useful for pollinating your garden, aiding in fertilizing surrounding greenery. It is best to plant it in late spring, with loads of sunlight, while the soil is warm. It prospers in sandy dry-soil and can survive drought-like conditions! This flower is bright and colorful and very low maintenance, meaning it can be a wonderful addition for your garden! 
  • Wood Anemone: Wild wood anemones bloom in woodlands on the edge of New Jersey forests from April to June. The species survives best in gardens that are partly, if not fully shaded. They also thrive in damp, rich, mucky soil. The wood anemone is a delicate plant with a stalked white or pink flower.
  • Great Blue Lobelia: The deep blue flowers of this plant grow on an upright spike. This native plant blooms in late summer to early fall. The great blue lobelia thrives in moist soil and can live in full sun or partial shade. The plant can grow 1 to 4 feet tall, and you should plant each one about 1 foot apart. The plant attracts pollinators such as butterflies and hummingbirds! 
  • Northern Red Oak: The northern red oak is a native east coast tree that can grow up to 80 feet tall! It thrives in full sun and in partial shade environments. It thrives in normal or moist soils, in early to mid fall. This species is unusually tolerant of polluted environments, making it a hardy tree that can be a welcome addition to any yard. It also attracts birds and mammals such as squirrels and deer.
  • Black-Eyed Susan: This flower blooms bright yellow, with a black center “eye”. It can grow 1 to 2 feet tall and blooms best from June to October. They thrive in an environment with tons of sun and well-draining soil. This flower also attracts multiple insects and pollinators due to its sweet nectar.
  • Northern Bayberry: This is a tough shrub that thrives in all types of soil. However, it prefers partial shade in your garden. It can grow 5 to 8 feet tall and grows very rapidly. Due to its toughness the northern bayberry is greatly beneficial to winter birds and butterflies. It blooms from March to June and can benefit your yard!  
  • Purple Coneflower: This vibrant purple flower blooms for two months in mid to late summer. It prefers partial to full sun exposure and is the perfect resource for wildlife. Its pale purple or pink flowers attract a variety of animals ranging from insects to Goldfinches and Hummingbirds! Growing up to three feet tall, this beautiful flower is easy to maintain and is beneficial for your garden.  

Update Your Garden Today! 

For all of your landscaping and plant needs, please contact Giovine Landscaping. Our professional team can help build and maintain the yard or garden of your dreams! Whether you want to remove ticks, fertilize plants or control unruly weeds, Giovine Landscaping is here to help! Don’t hesitate to contact us at (973) 325-1758 for some help in designing your perfect backyard! 

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4 Easy DIY Spring Landscaping Design Ideas

With spring officially underway, you’re probably starting to think about your landscaping. You may even be looking for some spring landscaping design ideas. There are so many ways you can enhance the look of your property through landscaping, and some of them are easy enough to do on your own! Whether you want to spend as little time and effort as possible on this project or you’re willing to go all in, we have a range of ideas for you to choose from. And if you don’t see something on this list that speaks to you, we have even more ways you can beautify your landscaping if you give us a call!

If you’re looking for some simple spring landscaping design ideas that pack a punch, check out this list!

1. Incorporate Color

Spring blooms come in all sorts of colors and shades! No matter your favorite color, you will likely find a flower or plant that fits the bill. Planting flowers in a particular color or mix of colors is an easy way to bring life and brightness to your landscaping. You can even use the colors in your plants to bring out or highlight colors on your house or in other areas of your landscaping. Some ideas of colorful spring flowers include tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths.

2. Add Interest with Texture

Plants don’t only come in different colors–they also have textural differences that can add some interest and sophistication to your property. Maybe you want to go for a monochromatic look using plants in the same color but with different shapes and feels to them, including bristly shrubs, feathery plants, soft-petaled flowers, and more. Groom your shrubs and other greenery into different sizes and shapes to enhance that interest even further and create a clean, well-designed look.

3. Include a Rock Garden

Don’t underestimate the beauty of rocks! You can find hints of a whole range of colors within the stony color of rocks, and they come in all different shades, shapes, and sizes. Some rocks even glimmer when sunlight hits them. They can be artfully arranged in an area or two of your yard to achieve an intricate, modern design, a rustic style, a desert vibe, a quaint and country look, or even glam! Rock gardens and features can be versatile in style, so take the plunge and go for it!

4. Build Your Own Fire Pit

Firepits make great gathering areas for family and friends to chat and relax in the warmer weather. You can certainly purchase an already-built fire pit and add it to a patio or other seating area, or you can build your own! It’s not as complicated as you might think. There are many tutorials online you can follow, and the materials can be easily found in any home supplies store.

We Can Help You with Your Spring Landscaping Design Ideas!

No matter what vibe you are trying to achieve with your landscaping, we can help you bring it to fruition! Whether you go the DIY route or want to hire someone to do it for you, the experts at Giovine Landscaping will bring to life all your spring landscaping design ideas! Reach out to us whenever you are ready to start!

Making Your Lawn Beautiful…All Year Long!

A beautifully maintained lawn can not only add to your home’s curb appeal, but it can also add to your family’s quality of life outdoors. Outdoor activities like sports, cook-outs or simply relaxing outside on a beautifully maintained lawn can add so much joy to your life! By making your outdoor area beautiful, it can add appreciation and love for your home. With each passing season there are many challenges to keeping your grass healthy, but taking some simple steps throughout the year can help keep your lawn beautiful all year long! Giovine Landscaping will use their professional skills to help you and your family make the most out of your outdoor space. 


Although there’s not much to maintain during the colder months, there are steps to achieve your healthy lawn goals! By preventing your grass from becoming dry and drab, it will keep your lawn beautiful for the spring months.

Make sure you cut your grass as short as possible before the snowy season begins. Also make an effort to remove any abundance of dead leaves before winter hits. Aerating is also crucial for healthy lawn maintenance before the first frost occurs. Aerating is when holes are created in your grass to relieve compaction and allow oxygen in. It also allows for roots to receive nutrients and water, so they don’t die and stay green!


In the spring, it is important to mow on a regular schedule to keep your yard healthy. Make sure your lawn is receiving regular water, whether through a sprinkler system or manual water care. Applying a slow-release fertilizer will allow your yard to “spring” back from the cold winter months! Check out our website for an opportunity to see what we offer our clients. We will always listen to what your goals are and help you achieve them in a timely and cost-effective manner. 


During the hottest months of the year, watering your grass is crucial. Doing so during the coolest times of the day will be most beneficial to your lawn. Either early in the morning, before sunrise, or later in the evening will work best to avoid evaporation. It is crucial to regularly apply fertilizer and keep up with mowing and maintaining your beautiful lawn! 


Fall is the best time for fertilization and seeding. The cooler months will help develop a stronger root system. Pulling all the weeds and making sure leaves are removed promptly will allow the sunlight to reach your soil, keeping any greenery healthy.

Whenever you need help maintaining a beautiful lawn, we are here to help! At Giovine Landscaping we have experts ready to help answer any and all of your lawn care questions. Please feel free to contact us at 973.325.1758. We have been in business for more than 30 years, helping our clients and are more than happy to help YOU! 

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Which Plants Grow Best in the Summer? [A List for Beginner Gardeners]

Summer garden

Summer is here, and that means you are likely spending more time outdoors and in your garden. Though spring is generally thought of as the season for blooming flowers, there is some greenery that loves the hot months of summer! From flowers to vegetables, you can enjoy the bounty of a full garden in the months of June, July, and August. Read on to learn about a few of our favorite plants to go for when planning a summer garden!


1. Black-Eyed Susans

These cheerful yellow flowers grow happily throughout the entire summer and add pops of sunny color to your garden. They also attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, making them a healthy addition to your yard. Black-eyed susans love basking in the sun, just like summer beachgoers, so they are perfect summer plants!

2. Gerbera Daisies

Gerbera Daisies come in a variety of vibrant colors that compliment the summer season perfectly. Like Black-eyed susans, these flowers love full sunlight, and they also do well when it gets a little shady. Not only are they low-maintenance in the summer months, but they exude the aesthetic of the season and would look excellent in a summer bouquet.

3. Sunflowers

As you may be able to tell by their name, sunflowers love the sun! When in full bloom, they actually resemble the look of the sun, and their buds tend to follow wherever the light of the sun is shining. Sunflowers are easy to care for and can manage just fine in drought weather, making them perfect flowers for the heat of the summer.

4. Zinnias

Zinnias can be planted as early as February, and they bloom throughout the summer and fall! They are easy to care for and grow under a variety of conditions, so they are excellent flowers for beginner gardeners. Zinnias also attract many different pollinators, making them beneficial for keeping pollinators healthy and populated. Considering there is a shortage of pollinators out there, zinnias are important to have around!


1. Tomatoes

There’s nothing like eating a fresh, warm tomato straight from the vine! Tomatoes are hardy plants that thrive in the summer and are an excellent addition to your vegetable garden. They do best if you plant them early in the spring season, as they take some time to grow. Once they do, however, you can enjoy them in your salad or on their own–delicious!

2. Summer Squash

Squash vegetables are not just for fall! Several varieties of squash grow in the summer, like zucchini and delicata. They look beautiful and taste scrumptious, and grow well among other plants like cucumbers. Squash needs lots of sun, deep watering, and regular harvesting, but the reward is worth the work!

3. Peas

Peas do well in the sun and can tolerate some shade, as well. They do not like the cold weather, so make sure not to plant them until you are sure the last frost has passed. They are a bit picky about growing in moist soil, so make sure to water them regularly, especially if you are experiencing a summer drought. That said, peas improve the quality of their soil and are excellent additions to your summer menu!

4. Amaranth

You can start planting amaranth indoors from a seed packet and then transfer these beautiful plants outdoors in the spring and even summer months. They tolerate the heat well and don’t require much maintenance. These plants attract pollinators like birds, bees, and butterflies, and they are healthy for people to eat, too! Grains from the amaranth plant are gluten free and filled with nutrients like protein, fiber, and vitamin B6!

There are so many plants that thrive during the summer, whether you want flowers, vegetables, or both! At Giovine Landscaping, our experts can help you plan your garden so you can see the maximum amount of success based on how the sun hits your yard and what other plants you have growing there. As always, we are here for any of your landscaping needs!

How Do You Know When To Start Planting Your Garden?

How do you know when to start planting your garden?

As soon as the weather starts to warm up, those with a passion for gardening itch to get started. But the temperature can fluctuate vastly during the spring months, and you don’t want to risk planting too early. Your garden can freeze if you plant it while there is still a cold snap at night. So how do you know when you’ve reached a safe zone for planting a garden that will survive and thrive? How do you know when to start planting your garden?

1. Wait For Your Frost Date to Pass

Depending on where you live, there is actually a specific date on which the last frost is supposed to occur. You can find your location’s gardening zone on the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. Knowing your zone will help you know when is the best time to start planting! It’s a good idea to wait about two weeks after your last frost date so you’re on the safe side and can be sure your seeds and seedlings won’t be faced with a sudden freeze.

2. Check Your Soil

You want your soil to be the right consistency to be able to plant effectively. Right after the winter, the soil is usually too wet and soft from melting snow. If you till your soil too early, it will clump and harden, making it too difficult to plant into. It’s important to pay attention to your soil and wait for it to dry enough that it can be easily worked. 

You also want to pay attention to soil temperature. A good soil temperature for planting many kinds of seeds is 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Some plants do well in colder temperatures, so it’s important to do your research when choosing what to plant!

3. Measure Sunlight Hours

Some kinds of plants require a certain amount of sunlight hours per day or per week. If you pay attention to the growing number of sunlight hours as early spring progresses to late spring and then summer, you’ll know when is the most appropriate time to start planting those particular plants. This is why you need to make sure to research all your plants and seedlings!

4. Your Seedlings Will Tell You

Some seedlings are best started indoors. If you do have indoor seedlings that you started earlier in the spring, wait for them to tell you when they’re ready to be moved outdoors. When you see two sets of leaves on your sprouted plants, that usually means they’re ready for outdoor planting.

Our Experts Can Help You Know When To Start Planting Your Garden

Planting a garden is rewarding, but it takes planning and know-how in order to accomplish successfully. At Giovine Landscaping, we can help advise you on when to start planting your garden, and we can help nurture your landscaping to make it garden-ready.

How To Choose A Landscaper

choose a landscaper

Spring is all about showing off your beautiful front lawn to passersby. Reaching that point requires an expert landscaper to whip your yard into shape; you don’t want to trust just anyone to do the work. You need a landscaper who is experienced and has an eye for detail, without being too pushy. If you’re stumped in your decision to choose a landscaper, here are a couple things to keep in mind.

Know What You Want

There are lots of landscapers who will try to sell all sorts of services you might not need. Even worse, some might try to upcharge you for way more than any service warrants. That’s why you should do your research before even reaching out to any prospective contractor. Only contact someone once you know what you want to do with your lawn and have a general idea of what everything should cost. Don’t let them sell you services you do not want or need!

Hire Someone Experienced

When you choose a landscaper to work on your property, you obviously want to select someone who has lots of experience under their belt. That goes without saying. What you’ll want to pay extra attention to is the landscaper’s input. We already told you to not let them oversell you for unnecessary services, but you should still honor their input. Oftentimes, they’ll know what kind of plants to add, where to plant bushes, etc. They are the experts, after all!

Seek Recommendations

You’re far from the only homeowner in your area who needs work on their front yard. Ask around the neighborhood! Polling nearby residents about who they let handle their lawn is probably the best way to know who to choose for your own property. Ask each person what went into their decision to choose a landscaper. You can also try looking up different businesses online and read their reviews. A decision like this can seem burdensome, but it’s actually never been easier!

Don’t Choose A Landscaper Willy-Nilly

More and more people are spending money on landscapers, so do not act hastily when making your decision. You’re entrusting a team with the integrity of your front lawn, and you won’t want to flush it all away. If you want to choose a team of experienced landscapers to beautify your lawn with care, call Giovine Landscaping today to get started!

How To Maintain A Healthy Lawn This Spring

healthy lawn

A blooming, colorful front yard is something that everyone aspires to have in the warmer months, but maintaining a beautiful property is a lot more work than you may think. There are ever-changing variables that can overwhelm and discourage landscaping/gardening newcomers. If you need some advice on how to keep a healthy lawn during the spring and summer, we’ve got you covered!


The importance of regularly fertilizing your lawn cannot be overstated. Fertilizer provides your soil and grass with the nutrients required for proper growth. All of the lawns made of tall, forest green grass you see are products of proper and consistent fertilization. How often you should fertilize will depend on which product you use, but generally speaking, you should wait at least four to six weeks between fertilizing periods. Additionally, avoid stepping on your lawn for one to three days after fertilizing. Proper fertilization is the key to a healthy lawn not just during the spring, but year-round!

Get Mowing

You don’t want your grass to overgrow! Regular lawn mowing is another imperative practice to follow this spring. Cutting your grass after letting it grow for too long can send your lawn into shock, which can stunt future growth and make it become weaker overall. A weaker lawn can house insects and diseases, which are the last things you want. Mowing your lawn every one to two weeks should do the trick. Thankfully, depending on your mower, mowing the lawn should only take you under an hour! Wait a couple of days after fertilizing to mow. Mowing can seem like a rather arduous task, but we promise it’s not as bad as it seems. It can be a fun way to pass the time all while improving your home’s curb appeal!

Call An Expert

Like we said, upkeeping a healthy lawn can be stressful and tiresome. Having a team of trained professionals do the work for you is the best way to optimize your lawn. Not to mention, having several people do the work instead of you alone will make upkeeping your lawn more time-efficient and will yield better results. If you need help in any step of the spring landscaping process, give the team at Giovine Landscaping a call to do everything for you the right way. People don’t call us the best team of landscaping professionals for nothing!